《Big Up咆哮》歌词完整版 宋雨琦


Used to step back

And watch yourself fall

Afraid to dream out loud in the night


You just couldn't see

The chance that you could be

The one that shines like star in the sky

Now the heat is rising

Rage is burning inside

You know you're one of a kind

You get what you wanted

Big up big up big up amaze me

Big up big up big up against me

Light up the sky

Light up your life

Show them the strength in you

Big up big up big up inflame me

Big up big up big up embrace me

Light up the sky

Light up your life

Never hold back your fire


You just couldn't see

The chance that you could be

The one that shines like star in the sky

Now the heat is rising

Rage is burning inside

You know you're one of a kind

You get what you wanted

Big up big up big up amaze me

Big up big up big up against me

Light up the sky

Light up your life

Show them the strength in you

Big up big up big up inflame me

Big up big up big up embrace me

Light up the sky

Light up your life

Never hold back your fire

Break up chains and everything else

You can make it through the places you want to step on

Come on you can shine


Used to step back

And watch yourself fall

But now u know u can

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上一篇 2022年4月17日
下一篇 2022年4月17日


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